Worship Team Devotionals

Hymn Devotionals for Your Worship Team

by Don Chapman

I’m excited to share another new feature we’ve added to Worshiphymns.com – worship team devotionals!

As worship leaders, we know how powerful hymns can be in our services. But for our worship team members, especially newer folks, hymns can feel intimidating or even irrelevant. That’s why my team and I have created devotionals to go along with every hymn arrangement on the site.

These devotionals are designed to be used before your team’s rehearsal each week. Gather your singers, instrumentalists, tech crew, and spend 5-10 minutes going through the devotional together. We’ll dig into the history and meaning of the hymn, do some Bible study, and hear stories of how God has used that song to impact lives over decades or even centuries.

After reading through the devotional, your team will have a much richer understanding of why you’ve chosen this hymn. They’ll be able to lead and sing it with confidence, knowing the theological significance behind the lyrics. And they’ll be more motivated to continue the legacy of these timeless songs for generations to come.

The devotionals are 1 page each, with Scripture, reflection, questions and a prayer included. We’ve written them to be easy for any worship leader to lead their team through. And we provide printable PDF versions of each devotional so you can print out copies for your team each week.

Devotionals are now included with all Worshiphymns subscription levels. I believe they will be a gamechanger for helping your team better integrate hymns into your modern worship sets. Let the power of these songs come alive for your church!

Give the devotionals a try and let me know what impact they have. I’m praying they will deepen your team’s engagement and understanding of worship through hymns.

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